The third value in our values mini-series is about Trying, Failing, and Learning. We don’t pretend that we know everything and we understand that and embrace it! We cover important why values are important, give you our own business value examples, dive into our value Try, Fail, Learn, Repeat, and why you need to have values in both your personal life and for your business!

We never stop learning, whether we want to admit it or not. So why not embrace it? On a personal note, you should want to be a better person. Learning and evolving is a part of life. In a business sense, your business won’t grow unless you continue to mature and improve. Trying new things, accepting and embracing failure when it comes, and learning from it should be at the core of yourself and your business culture.
Note: The first two sections (The Value in Having Values & What Values Convey) are located in each value post. They provide important information to remember when reading each post. So if you’ve already read them in another post, you may go ahead and skip to the Ownership value section!
The Value in Having Values.
Values are often times the sounding device you will use for a multitude of different things. We all have personal values, whether they are constructive values or destructive values, we all have them. Your values should point you in the right direction. Often times they are something that is a relief and something that can be relied upon. At Maven X we have values to both convey what we stand for but also to show our clients and potential customers what we deliver each time.
Having both you and your clients or customers align on a value is a win-win for both sides. It can give your clients a more relieved feeling to go with someone who has the same values as them, you’re telling the client what they are to expect from you, but also you get a read into what might be important to that person or brand you’re working with.
Values also don’t have to be this crazy unique thing just to you and your business, but they shouldn’t be generic or just adopted because it looks good. You need to live it out.
What Values Convey.
Values speak things into someone’s mind before they meet or even talk to you. Spoken and unspoken conclusions are made based upon someone’s values. You and your business values are no different. Your values can either be an asset or a curse. So what can values convey to others?
- Your Purpose
- Who You Are
- Your Sounding Process
- Your Decision Making Guide
- What Matters to You
Your Purpose
In a business sense your purpose is the reason that you exist. In a personal sense you purpose is something that drives you or is a part of your identity. Your values will convey what your purpose is but in small details which play into the big details. Let’s say you sell cybersecurity services, one of your values should be trust. They play together. You need to be trusted to handle security. So make sure that your values speak into your purpose.
Who You Are
Someone’s values speak a lot about the person that they are. Like mentioned, values tell a story about you and your business. Your values will show what you stand for. You shouldn’t take on values unless you are already putting them into action or you really want to pursue them. Your values also shouldn’t be difficult to “implement” because they should already be there; they’re a part of who you are.
Your Sounding Process
A sounding is defined as:
information or evidence ascertained as a preliminary step before deciding on a course of action.
Oxford Languages
When making decisions or taking action on something the steps should align with your values. They fill in the blanks before you begin to make a better decision. What we can see is that a lot of false opportunities or noise is filtered out when values don’t align. This is a good thing! A process or boundaries should be in place to protect you and your business from certain things. So use your values as a way to filter and guide you to the decision or outcome.
Your Decision Making Guide
Similar to being a sounding process, your values should help in making decisions. If you can’t trust someone, don’t do business with them. If they don’t have integrity, cut them out of your personal life. Some decisions can be cut and dry when aligned (or mis-aligned) with your values.
What Matters to You
Finally, your values should show what matters to you. These are your top picked traits and items that mean something to you. They will convey ultimately what you are looking for in others as well as other businesses. It’s a match-match situation. You’ll be more aligned to another person or another business when your values match. These are the characteristics that you both are that matter to both of you. When you’re showing that you’re living them out, there is no argument about who you say that you are and what you stand for.
Try, Fail, Learn, Repeat.
Failure is scary. Let’s address this first. I’m not going to say that failing isn’t scary. Failure is usually the reason why most of us don’t try a lot of things or to put ourselves out there. But failure is inevitable.
Embrace a mindset of trying something new and risking failure. The mindset I take is that a failure really isn’t a failure if you learned something. So take the risk, if it fails cut your losses and assess, then try again until you get it.
We are all people (so obvious right?) We make up the employees in businesses and if you’re a business owner you have people in your business. Since we are people, we aren’t perfect and we are never not going to make mistakes. This can be incredibly stressful as an employee and leader from both sides. As an employee we don’t want to let our employers down and as a leader we shouldn’t want to put stress on employees to hold themselves back by never risking failure.
Cultivating a learning culture in our businesses frees EVERYONE. At Maven X we obviously can’t run on everything failing all the time and never moving forward. But, we empower our employees, contractors, and everyone we work with to try things that might seem a little wild or unconventional. If we fail? We stop, assess, and learn before moving forward.
Final Thoughts.
Remove the pressure from both yourself and/or your employees. Learn to embrace failure and take it head on. Learn from the outcomes and get better. The main goal is to always get better. Never lose sight of getting better and never let the threat of failure stop you or your business from being the best you can be.
Previous & Next Value.
The previous Maven X value we covered was Excellence Is Our Endeavor – “We know we can’t be perfect, but we can come as close as we can. Excellence isn’t a destination but a continuous journey. That’s why are continue to strive for excellence each and every day both for ourselves and in our projects to you.”
The next Maven X value is Integrity Is Our Core – “We understand that our clients trust us with their businesses and ideas. We take that very seriously. Know that we take these values and basic human values to heart.”