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I Met Jesus In Miami Music Visuals

In June 2022 VOUS Worship will release their newest album I Met Jesus In Miami. VOUS Church asked Noah to help design the music visuals for two of the new tracks. The church needed three total versions of each visual for the different use cases where the tracks will be played.

The first version is the lyric videos for YouTube. These are full wide-4K edits of the visuals. The second versions are squared 2Kx2K edits that will be used for VOUS Conference, the church’s annual conference held in Miami, FL. This version is to be played with the music on the massive LED walls during the conference. Finally, as with any production you need backups on backups. In the event that track time code fails, the third version is a simple looping version of one scene within the visuals so that the synching of the video to the music isn’t affected and there can be something placed on the LED wall.

Both visuals were designed using After Effects using custom created 3D elements, curated color schemes, and soft virtual camera movements and transitions to tell the story of the music. Both visuals were created from a VOUS provided vision idea deck. Noah and Maven X were able to bring VOUS’s ideas to life and create these beautiful and fully custom visuals to their project.

If you are interested in getting Motion Graphics for you or your business see the Maven Design Video Design services to have Maven X animate your next video project!

It is an honor to be a part of such a special project and to deliver production grade visuals and content to the VOUS team for both their conference and album release. Check out VOUS Worship on YouTube and VOUS Church online to visit their locations in Miami, FL.

Awestruck - VOUS Worship (Official Lyric Video)
Glorify - VOUS Worship (Official Lyric Video)
Live VOUS Conference Film

Note: VOUS Church did not approve release of Conference audio for this release to Maven X. The Awestruck audio is played during the video and is not synched to the video audio. To view all released VOUS Conference videos you can view them on the VOUS Friends + Family Youtube Channel

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